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Projects - A (Alida) Melse-Boonstra
Zero Hidden Hunger EU
Zero Hidden Hunger EU - WUR Project Zero Hidden Hunger EU Zero Hidden Hunger EU is a Horizon Europe-funded research project that aims to quantify the... -
The effect of obesity on vitamin status
The effect of obesity on vitamin status - WUR Project The effect of obesity on vitamin status Dietary requirements may increase in overweight or obese... -
Bioavailability of iron and zinc from edible insects
The global human population is growing rapidly and is expected to reach 9 billion individuals by 2050, requiring an increase of the global food... -
Ten2Twenty: adolescent nutrition
Adolescents make up twelve per cent of the population in industrialised countries, compared with nineteen per cent in low- and middle-income... -
Biofortified cassava with provitamin A to improve vitamin A status (CASSAVITA II)
Nigeria is the largest producer of cassava worldwide and in some areas adults consume 950 g of cassava (raw fresh weight) per day on average. In... -
INSTAPA - Novel staple food-based strategies to improve micronutrient status for better health and development in sub-Saharan Africa
Identify novel staple food-based approaches to improve micronutrient malnutrition for better health and development of women and children in... -
Yellow cassava: Efficacy of provitamin A rich cassava on improvement of vitamin A status in Kenyan schoolchildren
Cassava is the staple food in most West African countries including Nigeria, where vitamin A deficiency is common. Except for delivering energy in the...