WIMEK PhD Council
The WIMEK PhD Council represents all PhD candidates involved in the Graduate School WIMEK at Wageningen University. The main aims of the council are to provide PhD candidates with all the information relevant to their work at the University and to strongly work together on solving problems regarding education, supervision and planning that PhD candidates might face during their research project.
A representative of the Council actively defends the PhD candidates' interests during meetings of the WIMEK Education Committee and the WIMEK Board. On a wider range, the Council is also present at the Wageningen Doctoral Council (WDC) meetings with the University General Board, and in the SENSE PhD Council. In all these instances, the WIMEK PhD Council focus attention on all work-related issues brought by students to the Council.
In the past years, some of the issues that we worked on were: the overall rules regarding the teaching responsibilities of PhD candidates, the modification and improvement of the introductory A1 course to all WIMEK PhD candidates and analysis of the budget for PhD courses. Other activities of the Council also include: organisation of events that encourage PhD candidates to participate in WIMEK/SENSE activities, promote the WIMEK Graduate School as a Center of Excellence in research and create a link between students from different departments.
The WIMEK PhD Council consists of a group of motivated and cooperative PhD candidates from different departments within WIMEK. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or doubts regarding the PhD Council, feel free to contact us. Furthermore, new members are very welcome! You can send an e-mail to wimekpc@wur.nl to be invited to one of the monthly meetings.
Vacancy: WIMEK PhD Council Member: We are looking for PhD candidates with an interest to represent the WIMEK PhD candidates in the official boards and events, and through all the informal interactions with WIMEK staff! For more information, read this document.