Literature discussion groups
WASS PhD candidates can initiate a (literature) discussion group (LDG) to discuss relevant topics in their field and earn credits (ECTS) for the Training and Supervision Plan. In an LDG, a small group of PhD candidates meets on a regular (monthly) basis and discusses scientific issues/ papers (e.g. key publications, PhD manuscripts and proposals, new developments in scientific theory) together with a WASS fellow.
The following discussion groups are running at the moment:
PhD discussion groups
Marx Reading group
This group reads and discusses Karl Marx' work "Das Kapital" / "Capital" and in addition listens to the respective online lecture by David Harvey. The book as well as the lectures are available online for free, so we can make sure that everybody has access to the literature. Every member reads the designated chapter and follows the lecture before the meeting - thereby we work through the book chapter by chapter. Every meeting is 'chaired' by one member who facilitates the discussion and prepares some specific question that he or she came across. In addition, we invited 'experts' on certain topics to stir the discussion with more in-depth knowledge and expertise.
Target group: The group is open for everybody who would like to get an insight and better understanding of Karl Marx' most impactful work! Beginners as well as 'Marx experts' are invited, from Master students, PhDs to professors as the more minds think through the dense work, the merrier is the discussion and enlightening outcome.
Frequency of meetings: Biweekly and according to availability of members
Contact person: Lisa Trogisch (SDC)