Doctoral Service Centre
The Doctoral Service Centre manages the admission and immigration of new doctoral candidates at Wageningen University, the PhD and EngD skills course program and the logistics regarding the PhD and EngD defence.
Contact details
Immigration office
Your contact for immigration, housing and insurance questions: immigration.dsc@wur.nl
You can contact the admission team via admission.dsc@wur.nl
Graduation office
Your contact for: application for the defence, thesis, defence ceremony or diploma. E-mail us at: graduation.dsc@wur.nl
You can leave the (draft) thesis on a table in Room D.001 in the Atlas building.
Hora finita
More information & contact details can be found on the Hora Finita help and information page.
All other questions
Get in touch with us about all other questions via: doro.office@wur.nl
Visiting address | Atlas, building no. 104 |
Droevendaalsesteeg 4 | |
6708 PB Wageningen | |
The Netherlands | |
Mail address | Wageningen University & Research |
Doctoral Service Centre (bode/internal post nr.17) | |
P.O. Box 9101 | |
6700 HB Wageningen | |
The Netherlands |
You can contact the beadles at the Omnia building via pedel@wur.nl
Beadles address | Omnia, building no. 105 |
Hoge Steeg 2 | |
6708 PH Wageningen | |
The Netherlands |