
Advanced Social Theory - RSO-58306

Organised by Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS)

Mon 2 September 2024 until Fri 11 October 2024


Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons during period 1.
Mondays and Fridays from 14.00-15.30, on Wednesdays from 15.40-17.10.


Registration is done via Osiris. When you have no access to Osiris, please contact to apply for or renew your student enrolment number.

Course outline

Course outline Advanced Social Theory


This course aims to train students to high academic standards, in particular with regard to research competencies and in-depth disciplinary knowledge. It provides students with knowledge on contemporary social theories. 'Contemporary' is used here to distinguish it from classical social theory (e.g. Marx, Weber, Durkheim), in which it builds, and roughly means that it was published between the 1930s and today. This is an advanced course, typically for highly motivated students who are not afraid for theoretical abstraction and close reading and intensive discussion of key texts in contemporay social theory. The course focusses on original texts from key figures in the social sciences (examples are Bourdieu, Collins, Foucault, Habermas, etc.). This will help you to build a strong foundation in social theory. The main goal of the course is to enable students to select an inspiring and fruitful theoretical framework for future or current (PhD) research. Establishing a meaningful relationship between theory and empirical results is one of the more difficult tasks of social scientific research. This advanced course is part of the WASS graduate programme aimed at students in the MSc programmes MME, MID, MDR and MCH.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:

  • distinguish and contrast the main arguments in key texts of important approaches in contemporary social scientific theory;
  • distinguish and contrast the core themes of important approaches and debates in contemporary social scientific theory;
  • assess the differences and similarities between these approaches;
  • appraise a particular social scientific work to these approaches and debates;
  • assess the opportunities and limitations of these approaches for doing research;
  • use concepts and theories of at least two of these approaches to compose research questions for social scientific research.
  • being able to participate in and stimulate an open debate about social science theoretical literature.


Intensive discussion groups in which students and teachers actively review and discuss key texts in social theory. Students write an assignment in which they show their ability to view a specific social scientific problem from different theoretical perspectives. Furthermore, students read texts, participate in discussions and present reviews of the key texts and defend their essay.

Assumed Knowledge

Introductory (e.g., RSO-10306 Sociology) and intermediate level social theory coursese (e.g., ENP-22803 Theories and Themes: Sociology); Social Science Bachelor; basic seminar skills. In case of doubt contact the course coordinator.
Follow-up course: Critical Perspectives on Social Theory (WASS PhD course).


  • individual assignment essay (60%);
  • individual assignment oral presentation (30%);
  • Individual performance: active preparation as expressed in submitted questions and comments (10%).

The first two component require a minimum of 5.5 to pass.