Specialisation Medical Biotechnology
Medical Biotechnology focuses on the use of modern biotechnology in the development and production of new vaccines, medicines and diagnostics. You will mainly concentrate on the development and optimalisation of biotechnological methods to develop or produce a vaccine or drug, which greatly differs from the usual approach in veterinary or medical science.
On the one hand, you study processes which are relevant in diagnosing diseases and processes that give rise to diseases. On the other hand, the production process of a vaccine or drug itself will be studied.
You will take one year of courses, some compulsory and others optional. In the second year of the MSc you will perform two research projects: a major thesis at Wageningen University and a second research project or internship inside or outside Wageningen.
Due to extended cooperations we also offer the possibility to perform the second year at the Medical Faculty of Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Research projects
Thesis research can be done in fields such as:
- Cell Biology and Immunology
- Genetics
- Human and Animal Physiology
- Host-Microbe Interactomics
- Nutrition, Metabolism and Genomics
- Nematology
- Toxicology
- Virology
- Biochemistry
- Bioprocess Engineering
- Food Microbiology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology
- Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Systems and Synthetic Biology
Compulsory courses:
BPE60312 Bioprocess Design
CBI40306 Immunotechnology
VIR40306 Molecular Virology
Choose at least one of these 2 courses:
BPE34806 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
HNH27806 General Medicine
Optional Courses (might change for your generation):
ABG30306 Genomics
BPE33803 Animal Cell Biotechnology
BPE34306 Metabolic Engineering of Industrial Microorganisms
HAP31806 Molecular Regulation of Health and Disease
HNH23306 Pharmacology and Nutrition
HNH34806 Applied Nutrigenomics
MIB30303 Research Methods Microbiology
MIB30806 Applied Molecular Microbiology
MIB32303 Human Microbiome
MOB30306 Control of Cellular Processes and Differentiation
MOB31303 Molecular Development
SSB20306 Computational Biology
Click on the courses or look up MSc Biotechnology in the course catalogue of Wageningen University for more detailed information about the programme.