What can I do myself?
When you experience stress, there are different things you can do to keep yourself healthy and relaxed.
Tip 1: Having an off-day is normal
Tip 2: Pay attention to the warning signs
Tip 3: Eat healthy
Tip 4: Get enough sleep
Sleep deprivation, either temporarily or chronical, is unhealthy. If we are stressed the quality of our sleep reduces. This is because our body is in a constant state of alertness. Try to avoid napping during daytime, but go to bed at night when you are feeling tired. Use the blue light filter on your phone, laptop or tv in the evening and avoid screens when you are in bed.
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Tip 5: Start moving
Research has shown that regular exercise is a good way to reduce stress. This can be a sport, but may also be gentler exercise such as walking. Even when you don’t feel like it, it’s good to move. Afterwards you will have more energy and less stress.
Wageningen has a lot of student sport associations and sportcentre De Bongerd has a variety of lessons.
Tip 6: Go for a walk in nature
Tip 7: Breathe in, breathe out...
Tip 8: Plan evenings off
Tip 9: Undertake fun and relaxing activities
Tip 10: Find a listening ear
Other tips
Bad timemanagement or studying the wrong way can cause stress. In this video you can find some scientific based study tips. Would you like to improve your study skills? Check out de programme of Student Training & Support, or have a look at the free e-Health modules offered by Gezondeboel.
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