Find the answers to the most frequently asked topics here.

FAQ's by students

WUR Career Platform

The WUR Career Platform is designed to facilitate you on your way to the labour market. At the platform, you can find vacancies and organisations, our premium partner organisations and sign up for career events. 

If you are about to graduate and you still want to use our career platform, change your email address beforehand from you WUR email address to your private email address, otherwise you will not have access to your account any longer.

Students can acces the WUR Career Platform via the following link:

Recent graduates can access the WUR Career Platform via the following link:

CV and Motivation letter

Check out the following webpage:

Fitting positions

I am graduated, can I still make use of the services of Student Career Services?

Our services are available for students and recent graduates (until 1 year after graduation) of Wageningen University & Research.

An alternative possibility for career support is to consult the Kies je Kans - Werkcafé. You can go here for questions regarding work, vacancies, training, guidance and apprenticeship programs. They are situated in the Food Valley Region (Wageningen, Ede, Veenendaal, Rhenen, Lunteren, Barneveld).

Information international students

Check out the following webpage:


Student Career Services provides students with several tips on how to find an internship. Have a look at the following suggestions to get started with finding an internship!

Interview preparation

Check out the following webpage:


Student Career Services provides students with several tips on how to find a job. Have a look at the following suggestions to get started with finding a job!

How do I use LinkedIn effectively?

How can I start or grow my professional network?

Where can I find more info about doing a PhD?

Check out the following webpage:

How do I find a side job?

Although the services of Student Career Services focus on jobs and internships, we created a selection of websites that might be useful in your search for a student/side job.

I am a PhD candidate at WUR, can I make use of your services?

The services of Student Career Services are aimed at WUR students and recent graduates. PhD candidates at WUR can contact their HR advisor for questions regarding their career.

PhD candidates can also head to the Wageningen Graduate School, which offers several career development trainings.

PhD candidates can still sign up for the WUR Career Platform in order to search for vacancies or join career events.

My partner is employed at WUR, can I make use of your services?

The services of Student Career Services are aimed at WUR students and recent graduates. We do not offer any services to (international) partners of WUR employees.

Expat Center Food Valley offer a Dual Career Program for international partners. Contact them via dualcareer@wcfv.nl.

FAQ's by organisations

I want to bring a vacancy under the attention of WUR students, what do I do?

You can post all your open positions yourself for free on the WUR Career Platform.

You can also send your vacancies (max. 1-2 pages) to studentcareerservices@wur.nl and we will put them up on the job board at the Wageningen Campus.

I want to know more about collaboration with Student Career Services, whom do I contact?


Astrid van Noordenburg
Email: studentcareerservices@wur.nl
Phone: +31 (0)6 10 94 77 13

Or visit the following webpage:

I want to integrate a project or research topic into the WUR Master prorammes, what do I do?

How do I get in touch with the study associations of WUR?

How do I hire an international student or graduate?

If you want to hire an international graduate there are some practicalities to take care of, more information can be found here:

For assistance in hiring international staff in the Food Valley region, please contact: