Tips for finding a side job

Here, you can find a selection of websites that might be useful in your search for a student/side job.


  • WUR Career Platform: side jobs & student assistant positions
  • WURkForce: side jobs at WUR for EU-students (occasionally also non-EU-students)
  • Chair groups within the university: contact chair groups within WUR and explore if they have any student assistant jobs. Tip: contact those chair groups whose topics match your study programme
  • Become a tutor: tutoring for presentation skills courses at WUR

Wageningen area

  • Werken in Wageningen: stores and restaurants in the city centre of Wageningen often offer student/side jobs
  • De Kleine Consultant Wageningen: student consulting agency for start ups and non profit organisations
  • Unipartners: student organisation offering consultancy jobs next to your study
  • SUSA: side jobs in Wageningen for students
  • Olympia: side jobs in Wageningen and surrounding places such as Ede

Recruitment agencies for side jobs
