Not meeting the subject requirements yet?
Many Wageningen University bachelor's programs have additional subject requirements. For instance, they may require Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and/or Physics at pre-university (vwo) level. These bachelor's programs have set these requirements to make sure you are in possession of a sufficient amount of knowledge in the requested subjects to successfully complete the bachelor's program.
If you do not meet all subject requirements yet, you must demonstrate that you are in possession of sufficient knowledge in the missing subjects before you can get admitted into the bachelor program. You can demonstrate the knowledge by obtaining pre-university (VWO) certificates.
Wageningen University accepts the VWO certificates from several external institutes. Below you will find an overview of the institutes where you can obtain the accepted pre-university (VWO) certificates. We only accept VWO certificates with a sufficient score (at least 5.5 out of 10) and you have to register for these exams yourself.
Accepted certificates
Entrance Exam at the Central Committees for Entrance Exams (CCVX)
The CCVX are national cooperative associations of Dutch Universities including Wageningen University. It is possible to register for the Mathematics A and B, Physics, Chemistry and Biology entrance exams at the CCVX. They do not offer courses, but you can find information about the exams and sample exams on their website.
VWO exams at Boswell-Bèta
Boswell-Bèta provides additional courses and VWO exams in the subjects Mathematics A, B and C, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. More information about the courses and exams that can be taken is available on the Boswell-Bèta website.
VWO State exams (only in Dutch)
The VWO State exam exists of 2 parts, the central exam and the college exam. It is only possible to take these exams in Dutch. Example exams can be found on the website of DUO and on Examenblad.nl. Please be aware that it is only possible to register for the State exams between half October and 31 December.
VWO 'eindexamen' via VAVO (only in Dutch)
Via the VAVO (adult education) it is possible to obtain separate VWO certificates. The VAVO education is offered by VAVO schools which are located throughout the Netherlands. The language of instruction of VAVO education is Dutch. You will have to contact a VAVO school for the options.
Handing in accepted certificates
In order to verify your VWO certificate(s), we have to receive certified copies* of the pre-university (VWO) certificates that are obtained at CCVX and Boswell Bèta. You can send the certified copies to the following address:
Wageningen University
Student Service Centre
Admission Office
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
6708 PB Wageningen
(The Netherlands)
Please contact us via the contact form in case you obtained pre-university certificate(s) via VWO-State Exams (VAVO).
* Next to your original certificate(s), CCVX and Boswell-Bèta will provide you with one or multiple certified copies of the certificate(s). We have to receive one of those original certified copies. Just a regular photo-copy of a certified copy with no original stamp/signature is not certified and won't be accepted.