New Beginnings
WIAS Magazine - Fall edition 2023
Word From The Board
We are all back from our summer holidays, refreshed and ready to start the new year. This new academic year there have been some changes in the WIAS Magazine board, and we would like to say goodbye to past members and thank them for their efforts. We are excited to continue publishing scientific and non-scientific articles for you to read. The new team now consists of 4 PhD students representing 7 (!) chair groups; Evelien from HMI and HAP, Jeroen from AFI, Ilva Noa from CBI and ANU, and Bernadett from ADP and ABG. As you see we are quite a diverse group; however, if you think that your chair group also needs to be represented, feel free to drop by one of our meetings and discuss joining the Magazine. We're always looking for help and extra input!
In this edition, as the new academic year is all about new beginnings, we are bringing you three research overviews that symbolize new beginnings as these overviews are research proposals from PhD students. These overviews are from QVE and BHE. Furthermore, we have a highlight from ABG about tracking broilers. Lastly, this edition also contains an article about supervising thesis students, which we think could be valuable for PhD students just starting to supervise students.
We hope you enjoy reading this edition and make sure to submit a piece to our next edition, whether this is a scientific article or a lifestyle article about something that is on your mind.
Until next time,
The WIAS Magazine Board