WIAS course ‘’Societal impact of your research’’ (1.5 ECTS)
Course description
Societal Impact of your research
WIAS Training Course: 12 and 19 March 2025
Workshop 1, March 12
13.30-13.50: Introduction Training Course.
13.50-14.15: Why/how sharing research? (Rob Buiter)
14.15- 14.30: Pause
14.30-15.15: Presentation Pitches:
Before the workshop, the participants will be provided with information on a few basic techniques on how to effectively present their work in a pitch. During the workshop, the participants will present their research in a very short pitch, max three minutes, in two groups. The other group members will comment on that.
15.15 – 15.30: Pause
15.30 - 15.50: We read some good and bad examples of press releases.
15.50 - 16.15: Discussing the press releases
16.15 - 16.30: Pause
16.30 - 17.00: How to write an effective press release/short news article? (Astrid Smit)
17.00 - 17.30: The workshop will be closed with questions/discussion
and the explanation of the ‘homework’ for workshop 2 and 3:
write a short news article or press release and prepare a debate on a topic out of your scientific field.
Workshop 2, March 19
13.30 – 13.45: Welcome and short evaluation of the homework
13.45 - 14.15: Break out session 1. Discuss the first set of homework
14.15- 14.30: Pause
14.30 - 15.15: Break out session 2: Discuss the second set of homework
15.15- 15.30: Pause
15.30-16.15: Guest lecture by Arnold van Vliet: his experiences in presenting research to a broader audience.
16.15- 16.30: Pause
16.30 -17.15: The pitfalls: what’s the risk when you bring your research in the open?
What can you expect form a journalist? What’s the cost, and what’s the benefit?
17.00 -17.30: Questions & discussion, explanation of the assignment for next week: prepare a debate!