Training course

Stand your Ground

Do you ever find yourself in situations you want (need) to get out of, but you just don't know how? Do you sometimes get stuck, in contact with others? Do you often think: "if only I had…?" Does your body give you signals, but you seem unable to act on them?

Read more below; this course may be just what you need!

Organised by Wageningen University & Research
Price Free

Become a powerful individual!

‘Stand your Ground’ empowers young adults who want to become the master of their own life path.  

The training aims to support you in your journey to becoming powerful individuals. You will increase your self-confidence by discovering and believing in your strength. Experience how this newfound power translates into your communication and results in a more respectful attitude of others towards you.  

About the training

In 4 active meetings we will teach you how to increase:

  • Self-Awareness
    Increase your body awareness, attitude, emotions and reaction patterns
  • Self-Confidence
    Feel your strength and learn to convert this power into action
  • Self-Control
    Deal with situations that throw you off balance, without losing touch with yourself
  • Stepping into Action
    Learn to act in ‘paralysing’ situations!

‘Stand your Ground is about how not to lose your sense of self in another, to be able to connect and communicate clearly with others, while feeling  powerful enough to make your on choices in life. 

The training is a mix of theory and practice. We use physical, psychological and social exercises to connect you with your inner strength both emotionally and mentally. We will work on posture, presence and use of your voice. And, although this is not a self-defence course, you will learn some useful techniques to fend off attackers when necessary.   

For whom 

The training is for WUR students (groups of only females or F/M/X mixed) who want to learn how to feel and act more confident. Are you a student who:

  • sometimes feels disempowered?   
  • feels stuck in a toxic relation?  
  • experienced violence, discrimination, or often feels intimidated? 
  • wants to learn how to set and guard your boundaries?  

Practical Information

Language English
Participants Maximum of 12
Meetings 4 sessions of 2 hours - Half way, optional one-on-one talk
Cost Free of charge; offered by Student Training & Support
NB Wear comfortable clothes

Are you interested to join this course, you can share your contact details by clicking 'Register here'. As soon as new details are published we will send you an e-mail.