
Physical safety on and around campus

Join an information meeting about the physical safety of (international) students, PhD candidates and staff on and around Wageningen Campus.

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Mon 17 June 2024 16:30 to 18:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Podiumzaal

During the meeting, the police will provide information on what they do and can do, the approach to a police investigation, the role of the police and the judiciary, and what you yourself may and may not do if you are being harassed. Representatives from the Municipality of Wageningen and WUR will also be present, as well as WUR support professionals, who you can talk to and/or ask questions.

Reason for the meeting

This meeting was organised because the WUR community has recently been rocked by a number of (violent) incidents and physical threats against (international) students, PhD candidates and staff. Following these incidents, a meeting was recently held for students and PhD candidates to share their concerns with WUR representatives, including Rector Magnificus Carolien Kroeze and WUR's security officer. In addition to sharing their concerns, the students and PhD candidates present also asked questions about the role of the Dutch police and the Public Prosecution Service in such cases; for example, about when you should or should not report to the police, about Victim Support Netherlands and about what you may or can do yourself if you are threatened and/or attacked.


At the meeting on 17 June, the police will attend to explain what they do if they receive a report of an incident or threat, or when someone calls the Dutch emergency number 112. They will also explain what happens after you report such an incident to the police, how offenders are tracked down and what information the police can and cannot share with you during an investigation. During the meeting, we will also clarify how WUR can help and which support professionals you can turn to at WUR if something bad happens to you. Attendees will be able ask questions both during and after the plenary session. If you have a question that you would definitely like to be answered, you can already submit it via the registration form. That way, you can be sure your question will be addressed.

The meeting will be held in English, but attendees are also welcome to ask questions in Dutch.