
Just Transitions Dialogue: Just resilience: you show it... And then you know it

Organised by Wageningen University & Research
Venue Online (Zoom)


Just resilience and leaving no one behind are upcoming principles in policy, such as the European Commission's Green Deal and the European Climate Adaptation Strategy. Wageningen University & Research has the ambition to work on putting this principle into practice. What does it take to really make a difference? To this end, Wageningen University & Research is organising a series of Dialogues, used primarily to give meaning to ongoing practices and to develop and test an operational framework.

In this dialogue on equitable and just transitions, we will focus on the context of climate adaptation and resilience. It is recognised that some people are unequally exposed to and more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. But, how can we prevent these inequalities from being amplified and adaptation measures from leading to new inequalities. How can we ensure that vulnerable groups are better included in adaptation processes and that proposed measures do not harm specific groups? Or how can we work toward a more inclusive and just society? What methods and supportive indicators could play a useful role for just resilience? Which indicators are already available and/or need to be developed?

Important questions that we would like to discuss with you, our speakers and other stakeholders in this dialogue.

You are cordially invited to join, especially when you:

  • Are looking for inspiration and approaches on how to demonstrate the justice aspects of climate adaptation measures and processes.
    • Join us to learn and ask your questions!
  • Have yourself practices and experiences to share on how to demonstrate the injustice of climate change.
    • Join us to help dealing with challenges to make injustice visible!
  • Know about ways to demonstrate that climate adaptation measures and processes are more just.
    • Join us to share your knowledge and experiences!


The purpose is to make sense together on how to deal with challenges related to indicators for just resilience.

Special guest speakers

Ms. Pavla Vidanova, Policy Officer DG Clima, will speak about the importance of just resilience in the EU adaptation strategy and future perspectives. Ms. Petya Pishmisheva, Coordination Covenant of Mayors-Europe, will speak about challenges and good practices to operationalise just resilience at the local level.

For whom?

  • People working on climate change adaptation in government, business, research organisations and universities, and NGO’s.
  • People that are or work with social groups that are vulnerable to climate change and their related adaptation measures.


After inspiring speeches of our special guest speakers, we will work together in mini-workshops on the challenges that are related to mapping and demonstrating injustice in resilience.

Topics are:

  1. Develop mapping tools to show injustice of climate change: what should we be able to show?
  2. Explore interventions to make adaptation processes and measures more just: how can we set indicators and use them properly in decision-making?
  3. How to detect maladaptation (adaptation that make situation worse for some people) before implementation?
  4. What are requirements for indicators in order to make sure just resilience can be compared between cities?

In the end, we will have a plenary discussion on the outcomes.

We are looking forward to the richness of different views to deal with these topics and invite all of you to talk about it during the mini-workshops.


What will be done with the results of the dialogue?

  • DG Clima and Covenant of Mayors will take the lessons learnt back to their organisations.
  • You will meet new people and exchange on ways to demonstrate justice in adaptation and resilience
  • We as project team will wrap up the shared understandings in our project report, that will be published and will be freely accessible on this website.

Should you make time in your agenda for this dialogue?
Well, we would recommend it! And hope to see you all!