I (Ingrid) Coninx

I (Ingrid) Coninx

WR Onderzoeker

Creating a climate resilient society

A society that is capable of coping with climate change? I believe this is possible. With the best available science and experiences from all over the world, societies are able to design ways of living with climate change. Policymakers play an important role in creating a setting that enables people and businesses to adapt.

Policy and engagement for climate adaptation: my expertise

I am a senior expert in policy and engagement in climate change adaptation and I contribute to this societal transformation. I support policymakers from local to international levels to develop effective climate adaptation policies. I assist in engaging people to change behaviour and take action. I facilitate dialogue between science, policy and practice for better understanding of climate vulnerability and to design climate solutions.

Passionately curious about intercultural differences 

While working in different countries in Europe, East-Africa and in Australia, I learned that culture, values and perceptions affect how people cope with weather extremes and environmental degradation. Local context largely determines which adaptation measures are likely to be implemented. These social mechanisms were deeply explored during my PhD research on Flood Policy in Flanders (Belgium).

Social mechanisms for more effective policies

I believe that adaptation policy would be much more effective when culture, societal values and perceptions are integrated in policy development and implementation. Aligning adaptation to people’s views on the future and what really matters to them would encourage much more climate action. Therefore, a key ingredient in my approach is to incorporate these social mechanisms when I engage with stakeholders. While making use of the most recent scientific findings on collective action, I create a sphere of trust and support stakeholders to develop their joint perspective on a prosperous future where climate change is no longer a problem. 

My work in climate adaptation   

Currently, I am developing new governance models for regional drought management, next generation EU and national adaptation policies that are aligned with disaster risk reduction policies, socially just adaptation, climate investments for food security, climate service development, and engagement people for nature-based solutions and climate action

I am also part of review panels of Adaptation Futures Conference and research programmes like JPI Climate, Belgian Science Policy and One Planet Fellowship. As projectmanager, I am certified with the IPMA label. 

I am currently based in Darwin, Australia. Curious to know more about my work? You can access it herehttps://research.wur.nl/en/persons/ingrid-coninx