PhD defence

IN SYMPHONY: Nutrient combinations for healthy brain ageing

PhD candidate APM (Annick) van Soest MSc BSc
Promotor CPGM (Lisette) de Groot
prof.dr. RF (Renger) Witkamp
External copromotor Dr. Ondine van de Rest
Organisation Wageningen University

Mon 24 June 2024 16:00 to 17:30

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


As we age, our brain function declines – we may become forgetful, have trouble focussing, and learning new things becomes harder. Eventually, this can develop into dementia. While we cannot completely prevent dementia, we can reduce our risk. One way is via diet: eating a healthy diet has been linked to better brain health and lower dementia risk. However, just taking nutrient supplements does not improve brain function. This might be because we do not consume nutrients in isolation, but rather consume a diet that provides a combination of nutrients. Therefore, the focus of this thesis is on combinations of nutrients. What combinations of nutrient supplements are effective? Or should we eat according to specific diets, that combine these nutrients?

All in all, we gained more insight into what combinations of nutrients are needed for healthy brain ageing. Our findings contribute to our ability to advise what to eat to enjoy life at old age with good brain health.