Training course

Get a Grip on your Studies

Do you find it difficult to perform at the level you are used to? Do you not know exactly what is expected of you during your studies at WUR? Or are you finding it harder than expected to settle into an unfamiliar living and study environment?

This training will help you understand the Wageningen education system and hopefully make your studies more enjoyable and easier.

Organised by Student Training & Support
Duration To be planned in Period 5. Sign up for the 'interest list' and we will inform you a.s.a.p
Room Forum, room t.b.d.
Price Free

Learn what works for you

In this training, you will discover what is expected from you as a WUR student. You will gain more insight into your study approach and will learn what works for you, and what does not help you.

You will get to know different study techniques and strategies, learn how to prioritise and to apply the basics of time management. In addition, we will give attention to taking exams, dealing with procrastination and stress.

About the training

The training course consists of four sessions.

  1. Wageningen University / Dutch culture, expectations in the Academic Education System, plan your work
  2. Learning styles, effective study techniques
  3. Procrastination, motivation, concentration
  4. Stress and exam preparation

For whom is this training?

Do you find yourself somewhat lost in the Wageningen (University) Education System? Are your grades decreasing, although you work just as hard as before, or do you find it hard to concentrate or stay motivated? Then this training is just what you need!

Practical information

Group size Maximum 15 students
Language English*
Duration 4 sessions of about 1,5 hours, with an optional additional session or individual consultation with the trainer
Cost Free of charge; offered by Student Training & Support
Planning Hit the 'Dates & Registration' button for up-to-date information

Are you interested in joining this course in the future, please register for the interest list. As soon as new details are published we will send you an e-mail.

Originally this training is for international students. Dutch students are welcome as well, but please check the other study skills training courses Leren Leren (Dutch) and the weekly workshops Study Lab - Beat Procrastination (English).