Field Crops
The business unit Field Crops contributes to (applicable) innovations, in arable farming, field production of vegetables and green space for the private and public sector, both national and international. On our test facilities, we work independently and with academic integrity.
Better products, new crops
Our experts direct their efforts to improving existing crops and developing new ones, like soya and quinoa. We focus on the crop in its entirety and seek out specialist knowledge, such as crop protection and weed control, found throughout the organisation. We also apply this broad approach to the economics of cultivation.
Agriculture and society
More than half of the people worldwide live in cities and in the Netherlands this figure is more than 70%. Due to rapid urbanisation, the relationship between the inhabitants of cities and their surrounding areas has changed dramatically. We work on this within three areas: Multifunctional agriculture, Urban agriculture and Functional agriculture.
Agriculture worldwide
Our extensive and practical knowledge in the field of tropical vegetable cultivation and field crops makes us the ideal partner to facilitate knowledge transfer to sector professionals in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). We believe that small holder farmers must have access to (international) agronomic knowledge, skills, information and services to develop responsible and profitable farming practices.
Soil & Fertilisation
Our experts develop strategies and measures for sustainable soil management and optimum fertilisation application. We improve the physical, chemical and biological quality of soils using an integrated and systematic approach. We develop systems for fertilisation, organic matter management, crop rotation, tillage, mechanisation and the control of pests and diseases in the soil.
Circular economy
Our society can be greener and more sustainable if we adopt measures aimed at reusing plant material such as crops, aquatic biomass and residual flows produced in the agricultural sector. The experts of Field crops study the economic feasibility of utilising this plant material.
Plant Health
The experts of Wageningen University & Research develop sustainable solutions for crop protection issues in field crops. Warning and monitoring techniques, crop cultivation measures, biological control, and a conscious use of chemistry form the basics of the crop protection systems we are working on. Through the combined utilisation of all these basic elements in new and existing cropping systems we offer the sector solutions for fungal diseases, insect pests, slugs, and weeds.
Trees & Fruit
Our experts form an important link between fundamental and applied research in trees and fruit growing. We contribute to the systematic, sustainable and cost-effective development of the bulbs, trees and fruit sector by combining and incorporating our research results and practical knowledge into practical innovations and concepts, which growers can use for viable production at the business level.
Crop diversity
Crop diversity means a field features different crops in sequence, side by side, or intermingled. It is the opposite of a monoculture, which has only a single crop type per plot. Crop diversity benefits nature and farmers alike, which is why Wageningen University & Research is investigating opportunities to create more crop diversity in agriculture.