Wind Test Site Lelystad
Wind Test Site Lelystad is a unique national facility where wind turbines can be certified and tested. The test facilities are located at the Field Crops research site of Wageningen University & Research near Lelystad.
Lelystad lies in the Province of Flevoland, which has the highest production of sustainable energy in the Netherlands. The research site in Lelystad houses various (research) facilities, 12 test turbine sites, Smart Grid tests, WUR wind turbines, various solar PV setups and a biogas CHP plant. Together with the other facilities on the 1,200-hectare site, there is scope for varied research and development of sustainable energy production plants. Conducting research and bringing together the various parties (in the chain) around business clusters stimulates activity and optimises sustainable energy production.

With 12 positions and a tip height of up to 200 metres, Test Site Lelystad is unrivalled in Europe and ideal for research and development programmes that focus on wind turbines. Test Site Lelystad is a collaboration between Guidehouse WTTS and Wageningen UR. An important spin-off from the Test Site is the research it enables at ACRRES: the application centre for bio-based resources and sustainable energy.