Research programmes
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, with our clients and partners, can create economical viable and sustainable solutions to contribute to supplying a rapidly growing world population with healthy, delicious, sustainably produced food and high quality materials, chemicals and fuels made from biomass.
Postharvest Quality
The world's population is growing, cities are increasing in size and, as a result of climate change, production areas are disappearing in one place, while new ones are emerging elsewhere. Guaranteeing food security requires a smart (re)design of production chains. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research develops the knowledge, insights and technological applications that make this possible.
Safe and Circular Biobased Products
Climate change, depletion of fossil feedstocks, accumulation of (micro)plastics and persistent hazardous chemicals that pose a threat to human health, biodiversity and our environment: They all are huge challenges urging society to develop a more sustainable, safe and circular economy. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research helps industry with safe and circular biobased solutions.
Nature Based Materials
To transform our current fossil based society to a sustainable climate neutral one within planetary boundaries, we need to produce our materials from biobased resources. The preferred way to do so is to use the functionalities that nature provides and fit those to the applications we need in everyday life. At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research we develop innovative technologies and value chains to source and valorize all the components in biomass as feedstock for renewable materials.
Nutrition for Optimal Health
Good nutrition is essential for health throughout the life-course. But which specific components contribute to which effects? Does it apply to everyone or only to specific groups? And what are consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards new healthy initiatives? Wageningen Food & Biobased Research enables the development of food products with scientifically proven health benefits; helping consumers to make informed, healthy and sustainable food choices and tailoring people’s diet to optimise their health and minimise their risk of disease.
Proteins for Life
It is time for a revolution in the production and consumption of protein. The world's population is growing and with it the demand for high-quality protein. The supply is unbalanced in the world, leading to both over-consumption and malnutrition. Agriculture causes large greenhouse gas emissions--- food production can be more efficient in terms of energy, water and raw materials. We can solve these problems by using more sustainable sources such as legumes, aquatic crops and insects. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research develops groundbreaking knowledge and technologies that bring a protein transition on a large scale within reach.
Vision + Robotics
Sustainable Nutritious Foods
How food is produced, consumed, and how much is lost or wasted all heavily shape the health of both people and planet. At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research we support the development of nutritious foods that are produced sustainably for now and in the future. Leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge facilities, we collaborate with a diverse range of partners within the food industry – from startups to multinationals, agri-processors to food manufacturers. Together, we strive to enhance the safety, healthiness, sustainability, and consumer appeal of food products.
Circular Water Technologies
To secure freshwater availability, local water circulation and the use of alternative water sources is crucial. Meeting water quality standards in this context requires new water treatment solutions that are affordable and efficient. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research is challenging this by developing technological onsite solutions for water purification, nutrient recovery and microbiological safe water, as well as by developing water treatment products that are biobased, biodegradable and safe.
Food Loss and Waste Prevention
The world population is growing fast and is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050. To be able to feed all these mouths with healthy food now and in the future, a transition to a sustainable food system is necessary. A vital step in this transition is the prevention of food loss and waste. Currently about 1/3 of all food is lost somewhere in the food suplly chain and sidestreams and food waste are often used for the production of low-value products. An increasing number of companies, governments and institutions are therefore working on combatting food loss and waste, both by consumers and in the food supply chain. Wageningen University & Research is working together with them to develop effective strategies, innovations and solutions to prevent loss and waste and for the optimum utilisation of food commodities in our food system.
Renewable Plastics
Plastics are indispensable in our society. They are functional materials with many applications for which we do not yet have sustainable alternatives. Almost all plastics are made from fossil raw materials. They are not always recyclable and are usually poorly degradable in the environment. In a circular economy, more sustainable solutions are needed. That is why Wageningen Food & Biobased Research is working on the development of plastics from renewable raw materials, which are easy to recycle and do not accumulate in the environment.