Model characteristics
- Model name: MARINA-Nutrients (the first, original version for China)
- Version: China-1.0
- Application: China
- Scales: sub-basins and annual
- Period: 1970-2050
- Pollutants: dissolved inorganic (DIN, DIP), organic (DON, DOP) nitrogen and phosphorus
- Sources: point (sewage) and diffuse (agriculture, natural areas)
- Main inputs: agricultural activities, sewage systems, land use, hydrology
- Main outputs: river export of DIN, DIP, DON and DOP by source and sub-basin
Modelling approach
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the model application to China
Model outputs (example)
Figure 2: Total river export of phosphorus by sub-basin for 1970, 2000, and 2050 (in kton/year). Published in Strokal et al., (2016)