Soil Science cluster

With a vision of enabling more sustainable use and management of soil resources for improved quality of life and a resilient environment, the Soil Science cluster´s mission is to advance understanding of dynamic interactions between physical, biological and chemical soil properties and processes across a landscape continuum, and impacts of land use and management on soil quality and ecosystem functioning.

Our aims

  • To be a world-leading academic group for high-impact research in the domain of our mission
  • To generate and openly communicate science-based knowledge on sustainable soil/land management that serves multiple stakeholders – from local to global
  • To provide a world-renowned platform for research development through a range of global knowledge networks and state of the art research facilities on-site
  • To further develop the skills of new and current soil scientists (particularly graduate and early career), who will further enhance our mission and our contribution world-wide.
Logo of the Soil Science Cluster with the five Research Lines designed by Wietse Wiersma, PhD student at the Soil chemistry group (SOC).
Logo of the Soil Science Cluster with the five Research Lines designed by Wietse Wiersma, PhD student at the Soil chemistry group (SOC).