Research lines
The main task of the research lines is to discuss about the direction and the development of the Soil Science cluster and think collectively about new opportunities. This is achieved by bringing together scientists to further develop topics and providing a knowledge base for developing future plans and policies at different scales.
The Soil Science cluster (SSc) has identified five main Research Lines through which to accomplish our mission. These Research Lines are the result of a Soil Science cluster-wide participatory process involving staff members and PhD students. Research lines leaders meet to discuss the direction and development of the research lines, and think collectively about new opportunities for their further development.
Within each of these Research Lines, a range of research topics have been prioritised, which are regularly reviewed and will evolve as needed and as opportunities arise. Research Lines have active working groups where all involved and interested staff, including PhDs and postdocs, are invited. Research Lines Working groups regularly meet and organise a variety of activities, dealing with a variety of topics, from research to outreach. In these meetings, new ideas opportunities for a wider collaboration within the cluster are explored.