Marine Animal Ecology Group
Marine animal ecology (MAE) studies how marine animals adapt in response to a changing environment. Our research is focused on different organismal levels, from eco-physiology, early life-stage development, population genomics, up to whole ecological community responses. We subsequently apply our research to gain an understanding of the consequences of anthropogenic activities to ecosystem services and conservation management.
Chair holder
Scientific Diving at WUR
Scientific diving is one of the important tools for marine researchers. We provide theoretical and practical training on scientific diving.
Our education covers the field of marine animal ecology at different levels. Our courses are directed towards Marine Science, Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management, Biology and Animal Science students.
Latest publications
Electromagnetic fields and diadromous fish spawning migration : An urgent call for knowledge
Concrete evidence : Outplanted corals for reef restoration do not need extended curing of ordinary Portland cement
Viral metagenomic investigation of two Caribbean echinoderms, Diadema antillarum (Echinoidea) and Holothuria floridana (Holothuria)