dr.ir. PA (Patrick) Jansen

dr.ir. PA (Patrick) Jansen

Guest professor (patrick.jansen [at] wur.nl)

Guest professor | Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Nature Restoration at Utrecht University | Research Associate at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute | Principal Investigator of Agouti (agouti.eu), a platform for collecting, processing and archiving wildlife camera-trap images and data.

My research focuses on interactions of wildlife with plants, with each other, with people, and with parasites and pathogens. I am particularly interested in the consequences of wildlife extirpation, for example due to bushmeat poaching, as well as wildlife return, such as through rewilding and colonization of novel habitats such as cities.

I work in regions where forest is the natural vegetation, both in the tropics and in the temperate zone. My principal experimental sites are the Barro Colorado Nature Monument in Panama, and the Veluwe in the Netherlands.

Much of my work involves the use of camera traps, for example to assess the abundance of terrestrial wildlife, and to quantify interactions. We develop new methods for doing these measurements. We also built a platform, called Agouti, to manage, process and store images for camera-trapping studies: http://agouti.eu.