Why choose WUR?
In its more than 100-year history, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has grown into the centre of state-of-the-art knowledge about food and the natural environment. Our reputation has attracted talented colleagues from all over the world.
Why work at WUR?
WUR is internationally leading
As an employee at Wageningen University & Research, you work together with people from over 80 countries. We enjoy an excellent reputation internationally when it comes to conducting research and providing education. You can read and hear about this daily in the media. Wageningen University & Research is listed within the top 6 of the important citation indexes within its domain.
WUR is active worldwide
Wageningen University & Research is active worldwide. Our students come from 100 home countries, our employees have 80 nationalities and our clients or partners are spread around the globe. As a result, the organisation is largely bilingual.
In situations where international staff or students are present, English is the preferred language. This requires a great deal from our Dutch staff: they must be prepared to communicate in English, and they must enjoy working in an environment where people from many cultures live alongside each other. Viewed from the other perspective, our international employees are supported while they adjust to Dutch culture and society.
- More about moving to the Netherlands
Independence in your work
You are given a lot of freedom to carry out your work independently at Wageningen University & Research. This can only be done, of course, within the given strategic boundaries of the organisation.
This large amount of independence can also be found in the engagement of national and international partnerships. We are convinced that this leads to new chances and Wageningen University & Research is leading within the world of research in this area.
Nice colleagues at WUR
Results from employers’ surveys show that Wageningen University & Research staff highly regard their direct colleagues and managers, as well as their willingness to work together in a pleasant working atmosphere.
Although we are a large organisation with almost 6,500 working at locations throughout the Netherlands, you will often be part of a small project team of colleagues from different departments. You will get to know your colleagues within a relatively short period of time as a new employee at Wageningen University & Research.
WUR builds an inclusive organisation
WUR is an inclusive employer
WUR employs a large number of people with diverse backgrounds and qualities that inspire and motivate each other. We want every talent to feel at home at WUR and to have the same career opportunities. We believe that an inclusive culture contributes to a positive ‘Employee Experience’ befitting contemporary society. This is why WUR actively governs with regard to gender, diversity and inclusion.
The great thing about WUR is: you are challenged to use your passion and creativity for new trends and sustainable concepts that work. Anyone who feels challenged by that is always welcome at Wageningen University & Research!
Working with and for society
The world around us is changing quickly. We need creative solutions for serious issues like population growth, the increasing demand for safe and healthy food, and the preservation of biodiversity and our natural environment.
Wageningen University & Research is committed to finding those solutions through intensive collaboration with the business world, government and social organisations.
World-class university with cutting-edge institutes
Wageningen University & Research is one of the world’s top-ranked universities in the fields of agriculture, food science and forestry. . A strong commitment to teaching and fundamental research, combined with innovative applied research, creates a rich learning environment.
Our nine research institutes focus on topics like food production and safety, environmental health, livestock, nutrition and climate change. Thanks to state-ofthe-art laboratories and research facilities, they can quickly translate their scientific breakthroughs into business-ready applications.
Food Valley: a dynamic knowledge centre for the food industry
Wageningen is the heart of Food Valley, one of the world’s largest food and nutrition research & development clusters. Food Valley NL members are working together to develop innovations, knowledge and programmes that are directly applicable to companies in the agricultural and food industry, including multinationals like Unilever and FrieslandCampina.