We thank our partners and sponsors for their generous contributions. Their support is invaluable in making the Student Challenge “Design the Ultimate Urban Greenhouse” an unforgettable and inspirational event, educate the game changers of the future and contributes to innovations for a sustainable future.

Increasing urbanization and metropolis formation. The gap between producers and consumers. Exhausted agricultural land. These and many other themes are central to our ‘Growing A Better World Together’ mission to contribute to sustainable feeding a growing world population sustainably. That will not succeed by only focusing on improving the existing. Disruptive innovation is needed. The Greenhouse Challenge stimulates this disruptive innovation. We look very much forward to the process and its outcomes!

The challenge of metropolitan food production is a realistic future scenario, driven by increasing urbanization and technological possibilities allowing for new ways of food cultivation. Students get the chance to come up with creative solutions that have realistic social impact. As market leader in growing media, Klasmann-Deilmann is at the basis of growth, providing optimum rootzone conditions for plants grown worldwide. We challenge students to do the same, and think about circular and innovative ways of enabling food production in urban areas.
The new energy-neutral neighbourhood Bajes Kwartier is fully dedicated to daring sustainability. We are giving this area of the former Bijlmerbajes a new destination in which health and the happiness of residents and users comes first. Together with the designers OMA, FABRICations and LOLA Landscape ‘Bajes Kwartier Ontwikkeling C.V.’, a collaboration between AM, AT Capital and Cairn, develops a completely new, energy-neutral neighbourhood. One of the old prison towers will become very special: it will be a green tower with a vertical park and urban agriculture. We see the Green Challenge as a great initiative, fitting our ambition, from which we expect a lot.
Besides by the partners mentioned above, the teams have been generously supported by many, ranging from professors and lecturers to companies and parents. To name just a few: Triodos, Society Impact, TNO Greenhouse Horticulture, GrowX, Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects, Priva, Green Career Consult, Startlife, Van Bergen Kolpa Architects, Harald van Santen, Schuttelaar & Partners.