First edition Urban Greenhouse Challenge
The first edition of the Urban Greenhouse Challenge was part of the celebrations of the 100-year anniversary of Wageningen University & Research.
In January 2018, 23 international, interdisciplinary and very motivated teams started their ‘mission (almost) impossible’: to design the ultimate urban greenhouse for the redevelopment of the Amsterdam Bajes Kwartier (former prison Bijlmer Bajes). On 28 August 2018 fourteen finalists pitched their concepts to the international jury. Team Green WURks (Wageningen University) has won the Challenge, and teams Thanks Works (University of Michigan) and Flor-Green (University of Bologna) won respectively second and third place.
To get impression of the thrilling Grand Finale and fantastic concepts developed by the teams, check out the aftermovie and movies produced by the teams here. To further explore the concepts and learn about the jury and experts involved, check our on-line publication Urban Greenhouses and the Future of Food.