Illustration of a head with multi-colored puzzle inside as a symbol of neurodiversity.


Giftedness is not just about being smart or having an IQ above 130; it involves intensity in areas such as intellect, high sensitivity, creativity, and complexity.

Giftedness can be a true gift, but it only enhances life when actively engaged. A gift is not meant to be merely admired or accepted – it should be unwrapped and put to use. Explore the concept of giftedness and have the courage to make the most of your unique potential!

If you are experiencing challenges, affecting your ability to follow your study programme which - you think - could be related to giftedness, please keep reading!

Giftedness Groups

Every Wednesday we organise two discussion groups for gifted students and for those who are investigating whether they are gifted and/or highly sensitive, facilitated by student psychologist Anneke Aikema.

During these lunch meetings we exchange experiences and learn from each other.

13:00-14:00u & 15:00-16:00h Giftedness & Study

Executive functions
Let's talk about the skills that help you focus, plan, meet deadlines and manage stress. We will look at where your executive functions are strong and where there is room for improvement.

Researching giftedness
You may be wondering what it means for you to be gifted. Or you may not be so convinced that you are gifted. In these sessions we will explore what it means to be gifted and, most importantly, what you can do with it. The list of possible challenges and the Delphi model in the appendices can serve as a starting point for the discussion.

High sensitivity
One possible aspect of giftedness is high sensitivity; this is the ability to perceive much and in detail, to connect with perception, to experience and process it deeply, with intense emotions as a result (Annek Tol, 2014). Their senses are more sensitive to stimuli, which can lead to overstimulation. In this group, we will discuss what high sensitivity means to you and how to deal with it.

14:00 -15:00h Working on Your Thesis

The focus of the second group is on the challenges you face during your thesis as a gifted student. Again we inspire, stimulate and support each other while working on our thesis.

Your input is welcome!

If you have other ideas to discuss in the groups, please e-mail to Anneke Aikema. In the past, for example, we discussed themes like self-compassion and social rejection. Anneke is looking forward to your suggestions.