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Projecten - dr.ir. F (Fre) Pepping

Participant (and responsible for the non-scientific parts) in NuGO Network of Excellence van 2004 - 2010 The European Nutrigenomics Organisation - linking genomics, nutrition and health research). Subsequently participant in:

Food4Me (Personalised nutrition: An integrated analysis of opprtunities and challenges, 2012 - 2015)

EuroDISH (Studying the need for food and health research infrastructures in Europe, 2012 - 2015),

NutriTECH (Application of new technologies and methods in nutrition reserach - the example of phenotypic flexibility, 2012 - 2016)

QualiFY (Collaborative Project Quantify Life - Feed Yourself, 2014 - 2015) 

All the projects listed above were linked to the work as started within the NuGO NoE. The NoE continued from 2008 onwards as an Asociation, see www.nugo.org

EASTWESTFOOD (IRSES Funded project with University of Copenhagen, Wageningen University and two Indian partners, the WU parts were on dairy science and metabolic engineering.

SUNRAY (Sustainable Nutrition Research for Africa in the Years to come 2011 - 2013),