Steun de internationale ontwikkeling van studenten microbiologie met het Middelhoven Fonds

De financiële bijdrage uit het Middelhoven Fonds is specifiek voor studenten en medewerkers binnen het vakgebied microbiologie.

De impact van uw gift

Dankzij uw gift kunnen studenten en medewerkers binnen het vakgebied microbiologie een stage of een studiereis naar buitenland bekostigen. Door in het buitenland een stage te volgen of studiereis te maken, krijgen studenten en medewerkers de kans om met de top op het gebied van de microbiologie samen te werken.

Ruim 50 studenten en medewerkers hebben al gebruik van gemaakt van het fonds.


De ervaring van Hetty KleinJan (Engelstalig)

  • Study: MSc Biology

In April 2013, I started my internship at AgResearch, a research organization located in Palmerston North, New Zealand. I was offered a position as research technician in Food, Nutrition and Health (FNH) team, part of the Food & Bio-based Products group. The FNH team’s purpose is to generate knowledge to assist the development of new ingredients and functional foods with health benefits beyond simply nutrition. In particular by studying how food modulates host-microbe interactions and intestinal barrier function.

Working at AgResearch was an amazing experience. I met scientists from different fields and they were all equally eager to teach me and to share their knowledge. The international environment surprised me at first, but it was great to experience so many different cultures within one group. The FNH team is a close-knit community of people, committed to their jobs, but remarkably social after work as well. I found this the most valuable experience, since it enabled me to become close friends with the students/scientists in the very short time span I had.

I would like to thank the Middelhoven Fund for this opportunity.

De ervaring van Laurens van der Vlist (Engelstalig)

  • Study: Biotechnology
  • Title report: Mobilization of nutrients from microalgae using rationally selected fungal cell factories

As a mandatory part of my studies at WUR I did an internship; I went to the Technical University of Denmark in 2013. I wanted to go abroad to experience what it is like to study, work and live in another country. At the same time I wanted to participate in a project which was an enrichment of my education. In addition, I was looking for a way to improve my vocal and writing in English. I found a nice project at DTU in Denmark: Mobilization of nutrients from cyanobacteria using rationally selected fungal cell factories.

The aim of this study was to screen for fungal strains which are cultivatable on microalgal biomass and to determine what treatment of the biomass results in most fungal activity. The main conclusion was that minimal and relative cheap adjustments of the microalgal biomass are sufficient to mobilize the nutrients for several diverse fungal strains.

Half a year abroad was a total new experience for me, but it was very enriching. It was really nice to meet so many people from many countries with so many thoughts, cultures, cooking styles. It was a good to experience to be the foreigner yourself. I definitely enjoined my stay in Denmark, thank you.

Interview met oprichter dr. Wout Middelhoven

Het Middelhoven fonds is in 1995 opgericht door dr. Wout Middelhoven. Hij heeft 40 jaar gewerkt als hoogleraar aan het laboratorium voor Microbiologie.

Het fonds is voor studenten en medewerkers die stages willen lopen of studiereizen willen maken over microbiologie. ‘Ik zie graag dat het geld gebruikt wordt in de meer traditionele kant van het vak, de microbiële fysiologie en ecologie’, zegt dr. Wout Middelhoven, oprichter van het Middelhoven Fonds.

Dr. Middelhoven wil met het fonds iets terugdoen voor de universiteit. ‘Ik vind eigenlijk dat meer mensen dat zouden kunnen doen. Net als vele anderen heb ik hier jarenlang met plezier gewerkt.’

Dr. Wout Middelhoven
Dr. Wout Middelhoven

Informatie voor aanvragers