
Transforming Forests: What role do forests globally play in sustainability transformations - and what does this mean for Dutch forests?

Conferentie en interactieve sessies op Wageningen Campus - 16 en 17 november 2023 ter gelegenheid van de inaugurele rede van Prof. Dr. Georg Winkel (leerstoelhouder Bos- en Natuurbeleid) en Prof. Dr. Maria Tengö (NatuurCollege Leerstoel Mens-Natuur Relaties in het Antropoceen).

De registratie is nu open. Zie details en programma hieronder.

Organisator Leerstoelgroep Bos- en natuurbeleid

do 16 november 2023 09:00 tot vr 17 november 2023 17:00

Locatie Omnia, gebouwnummer 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 484 500

We invite scientists and professionals, designers and artists, policymakers and civil initiatives to take part in the exchange about different visions on forest landscape futures globally and locally, and about the best options for their role in transformative change. Our aim is to enable researchers and practitioners to intensively exchange thoughts about new inspirational concepts and practical opportunities in our search for solutions to the multifaceted crises we are facing today.

The first day (Thursday 16 November) will focus on cutting edge scientific insights in the possibilities and trade-offs of sustainability transformations relating to forests and forestry from an international perspective. A number of renowned researchers will present their inputs for the debate, culminating in the inaugural addresses of Georg Winkel and Maria Tengö.

On the second day (Friday 17 November), we will focus on the topical issues in the societal debate about transformational changes in forests in The Netherlands. Inspired by the insights resulting from the first day. Short introductions will lead us to a range of topics under three themes:

  • Baselines – what types of nature or agriculture correspond with forests in The Netherlands? Is there any space left for the forest? As a socio-ecological system, what do forests need in order to function properly?
  • Imagination – what do we need from the forest? Can forests respond? How do we imagine us as people of the forest?
  • Stewardship – how does what we know and have always known affect how we co-exist with forests? And what does that mean for the future development of forests?

In several interactive sessions, we will exchange experiences, methods and future visions based on local practice, and formulate solutions to be recorded for a publication about the conference.

This conference is being organised by Forest & Nature Conservation Policy group of Wageningen University and NatuurCollege, with financial support from the Province of Utrecht and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

Register here before 15 October to assure yourself of a place.