
Op weg naar grondgebonden rundveehouderij : Verkenning van de beleidsopgave en de effecten van mogelijk toekomstig mestbeleid op areaalbehoefte en -beschikbaarheid, inkomens en continuïteitsperspectieven in de Nederlandse veehouderij

de Koeijer, Tanja; Blokland, Pieter Willem; Daatselaar, Co; Helming, John; Luesink, Harry; Puister, Linda


The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety (LNV) asked Wageningen Economic Research to explore the policy challenges and economic effects of various scenarios regarding the implementation of track 1 'land-dependent cattle farming' and track 2 'manure processing on farms without land-dependent requirements' of the future manure policy as specified in the LNV letter to the Lower House of Parliament dated 13 April 2021. The study shows that the distribution of livestock farms in terms of economic continuity perspective remains virtually the same for almost all livestock sectors in the scenarios calculated and given the assumptions used. This does not apply to pig farming. Here the income effects are larger and the share of farms in the class 'sufficient economic continuity perspective' clearly decreases. Depending on the scenario, this decrease varies from less than 1 to over 5 percentage points. The extent of the policy challenge has been explored in particular with regard to the availability of sufficient land for the realisation of land-based dairy and cattle farming.