Programmaplan : omgaan met zout in landbouw, natuur en waterbeheer
Hack-ten Broeke, Mirjam; Bakker, Gerben; Verdonschot, Ralf; America, Ilja; Delsman, Joost; Oude Essink, Gualbert; Bartholomeus, Ruud; Geurts, Jeroen; Raat, Klaasjan; van Geest, Gerben
This multi-year program plan, "Dealing with Salinity in Agriculture, Nature, and Water Management," is developed on behalf of the Ministry of I&W, the Ministry of LVVN, and STOWA. The program plan is innovative and needs to be addressed in coherence, addressing fundamental knowledge questions about salinization of the root zone in relation to groundwater and surface water, the salt tolerance of crops and natural vegetation in the Dutch context, and how these processes should be modeled and monitored. The program consists of four work packages, but must be considered as an integral program in order to be able to work towards actionable perspectives: Salt content in the soil water and root zone; Salt tolerance of crops and natural vegetation; Usability of results; Effects of salt on soil, (soil) terrestrial nature and aquatic ecosystems.