
Uitwerking bedrijfstypen voor duurzame landbouw : Dierlijke en plantaardige sectoren

Vissers, Luuk; van Asseldonk, Marcel; Daatselaar, Co; Jager, Jakob; Jongeneel, Roel; Groot, Marianne; Helming, John; van Horne, Peter; Hoste, Robert


A number of farm types have been developed that respond to the objectives of the National Rural Area Programme (NPLG) for the pig, poultry (layers and broilers), veal (white and roseĢ veal), goat, beef (suckler cows and beef bulls), outdoor vegetable production, fruit growing and flower bulb sector. Consequently, the economic and environmental performance of these farm types was analysed. Finally, it was examined which existing or new instruments are effective to provide a positive economic perspective and to what extent this can be achieved with these instruments.