
Invloed van verschillende managementfactoren op het voorkomen van luchtwegproblemen tijdens de opfok van geitenlammeren : Een observationele studie op tien melkgeitenbedrijven met als doel om risicofactoren te identificeren die een rol spelen bij luchtwegproblemen tijdens de opfok. Inzicht in deze risicofactoren helpt geitenhouders maatregelen te nemen om luchtwegproblemen bij lammeren te verminderen

Marcato, Francesca; Ruijter, Dionne; Verkaik, Jan; Rebel, Annemarie; de Haan, Tara; Snijders-van de Burgwal, Nienke


The current observational study investigated the potential effects of management-related factors on incidence of respiratory problems in goat kids. In particular the study included the impact of factors with regard to colostrum management (such as the amount and type of colostrum), birth-related information of the kids (such as parity of the mother, birthweight and litter size) and climate in the stable (ammonia, CO2, temperature and humidity) on kid growth and on the incidence of clinical symptoms related to respiratory problems in goat kids. Ten dairy goat farms participated in the study. Per farm, twenty goat kids were clinically observed and weighed every two weeks from birth until the age of twelve weeks. Based on the current observational study, colostrum appears to be an important factor affecting the incidence of respiratory problems in goat kids. A higher colostrum at the first feeding and a higher total amount of colostrum can lead to fewer clinical respiratory problems. Within this study, ammonia, CO2 and humidity did not affect the incidence of respiratory problems. Though an indication was found of more clinical problems at a higher temperature in the stable. Experimental research is advised to determine the effect of colostrum and stable temperature more accurately before we can identify clear measures for goat farmers to reduce respiratory problems in goat kids. Dit rapport is gratis te downloaden