
Natuurinclusief bouwen: wat beweegt de Nederlandse vastgoedsector? : Onderzoek naar motieven, barrières en gedrag in de transitie naar meer groen

van Haaster-de Winter, M.A.; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M.W.C.; Polman, N.B.P.; Mattijssen, T.J.M.; Kortstee, H.


To find out what the current role of nature-inclusive building is in the real estate sector and how the sector can be supported to build more nature-inclusive, a survey is conducted among companies in the Dutch real estate sector in 2019. Based on the results, we conclude that there is a positiveattitude towards nature-inclusive construction; its appeal lies in both social and business interests andthere are leverage points for behavioural change towards nature-inclusive construction in the following pack.