
Prognose CO2-emissie glastuinbouw 2020

van der Velden, Nico; Smit, Pepijn


The greenhouse horticulture sector and government agreed in a covenant on a CO2 emission budget
for 2020. It appeared that the 2014 CO2 emissions were considerably lower than this CO2 emission
budget. The covenant signatories also agreed that an interim evaluation would be carried out which
would focus on two external factors: effect of the area with greenhouses and sales of electricity. The
objective of this study was to forecast the CO2 emissions in 2020. The forecasts lay between 4.2 and
4.4 Mtonnes, a range that is below the 6.2 Mtonnes CO2 emission budget agreed in the covenant. This
was primarily due to the sector's lower sales of electricity and the further contraction of the area with