Eco-System City: nature inclusiveness in the city with functional ecosystems
Bos, Ronald; Reijnen, Rick; Aarts, Lonneke
Nature and biodiversity are under pressure. Cities, with their diverse microclimates, should be able to support biodiversity. However, cities are not yet set up to really contribute to biodiversity restoration yet. Fortunately, to make our cities climate-proof, there is an increasing focus on green urban design. But from nature's point of view, ‘green’ is not the same as ‘biodiverse green’. Green cities create more opportunities for biodiversity, but how do we design the greenery in such a way that, in combination with climate adaptation, the natural variation is also maximally supported? This is what the municipality of Arnhem is doing with ‘functional ecosystems’, in which nature and cities do not only coexist but work together. This is part two of six films on the TKI project Eco-System-City (, in which we show the importance of green and blue in cities in various research pilots. Production: FocusOn ( TKI Eco-System-City is made possible by the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Agriculture Water and Food of the Dutch government, Top Sector Water & Maritime, Top Sector Agri & Food and Top Sector Horticulture & Starting Materials.