
De bijdrage van de vastgoedsector aan een natuurinclusieve leefomgeving : Achtergrondrapport

Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke; Mattijssen, Thomas; van Haaster-de Winter, Mariët; Kortstee, Harry; Polman, Nico


The real estate industry can play a key role in a wider transition to a nature-inclusive living environment that offers social, economic and ecological resilience. In this research, we look explicitly for a pro-active green contribution from the industry to the liveability and resilience of urban areas. To set such practices in motion, we are looking for points of departure in the considerations being made by different actors in the real estate industry. We do this by developing a transition approach for nature-inclusive enterprise. This approach looks at the real estate industry more widely, including landowners, investors, architects, property owners and project developers.