
Environmental footprint of Phalaenopsis representative product study

Helmes, Roel; Ponsioen, Tommie; van der Linden, Rick; Verweij-Novikova, Irina


This document represents a product study carried out in the context of the development of a methodology for calculating the environmental footprints of horticultural products, according to the newly released methodological standard - HortiFootprint category rules. This study is performed outside of the official Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) framework as endorsed by the European Commission. The purpose of this product study was to identify the most relevant impact categories, life cycle stages, processes and direct elementary flows and also to identify the data needs, all feeding into the methodology development. This publication is meant as an illustration of a product environmental footprint (PEF) for Phalaenopsis plants, packed, produced in an technically advanced Dutch greenhouse, sold in a Dutch supermarket and consumed in the Netherlands. The plant of focus is in a 12 cm pot of a two-stem Phalaenopsis as sold in retail.