Update van de metaboliseerbare energiebehoefte voor leghennen
Buyse, Kobe; Delezie, Evelyne; Goethals, Sophie; Mens, Annemarie; Spek, Wouter
To better understand the protein-energy ratio and nitrogen excretion of modern laying hens, the energy requirement must be accurately estimated. The current calculation of this requirement is outdated and needed to be revised. A literature review of 33 studies showed that the average maintenance requirement for laying hens has changed little since 1970. However, production and housing systems have evolved, necessitating a reevaluation of the formula for total energy requirement. Four formulas, including those of CVB, NRC, Van Krimpen et al., and Rostagno et al., were adapted from the literature. The predictive value of these formulas were then tested against experimental and field data. The current CVB formula overestimated the energy requirement of hens in experimental housing, while the formula by Rostagno et al. showed the least deviation. However, in field tests, all formulas underestimated the actual energy intake of laying hens. This underestimation was attributed to factors such as activity, health, and behavior. Due to its strong predictive value, it was decided to use the formula by Rostagno et al. as the basis. A correction factor for maintenance energy was calculated as a measure for activity per housing system.