
Veranderingen van voorraden koolstof, stikstof, fosfor, kalium, calcium, magnesium, ijzer en aluminium in bosbodems tussen 1990 en 2023

de Jong, J.J.; de Vries, W.; Dijk, P.G.; Lerink, B.J.W.


In 1990, an extensive sampling of forest soils was carried out at 150 locations, soil chemical properties were determined and stocks of important elements were calculated. In 2023, 136 of them were resampled and the same analyses and calculations of stocks were carried out. Comparison of both samples shows clear developments. The average stocks of nitrogen and carbon have clearly increased. The base saturation of the exchange complex has decreased. The pH of the soil has not changed significantly on average, which is mainly due to buffering by dissolution of aluminium oxides, stocks of which have decreased and the occupancy at the exchange complex has increased.