Salmonella spp. in the feed chain in the Netherlands : monitoring results of five years (2008 to 2012)
Yassin, H.; Adamse, P.; van der Fels, H.J.
Salmonella spp. is an important food-borne pathogen in humans. In the Netherlands, monitoring Salmonella spp. in the feed and food chain has become an important issue since 1997. Monitoring results from different sectors, such as broiler meat and eggs, are analysed annually to determine the prevalence of Salmonella spp. The objective of this study was to analyse Salmonella spp. prevalence in feed materials in the Netherlands during the years 2008-2012. Data from the Dutch feed industry, stored in the GMP+ monitoring database, were provided by the Dutch Product Board Animal Feed for use in the current study. These data included results of, on average, 10080 compound feed and 9109 feed material samples per year. This high total number of samples reflects the intensive monitoring program in the Netherlands.