
De samenhang tussen de Kaderrichtlijn Water en de Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn : een landelijke analyse en een verdiepende studie in zes deelgebieden

Bouwma, Irene; Nuesink, Nienke; van Riel, Marielle; Veraart, Jeroen; Donders, Josine; Wegman, Ruut; Pouwels, Rogier


Based on a nationwide GIS analysis and research in six case study areas, this report investigates the policy coherence between the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Birds and Habitats Directives (BHD). Important factors that enable synergy between these directives are a mutual implementation deficit at site level and a good match between the abiotic requirements of BHD habitat types and species and the WFD water quality standards for the water types present in the site. The existence of an area-based planning process, good personal contacts between the individuals responsible for implementation at site level and regular consultation between them also determine whether synergy between these two policies is realised. Based on the findings, an indication is given of what evaluations and outlook studies should take into account in order to assess the synergy between these directives during their implementation.