Alexandersen, Soren; Knowles, Nick J.; Belsham, Graham J.; Dekker, Aldo; Nfon, Charles; Zhang, Zhidong; Koenen, Frank
Picornaviruses are small, roughly spherical viruses with a protein shell. The picornavirus genome includes two untranslated regions, one preceding and one following the single open reading frame (ORF). The ORF is translated into a polyprotein that is usually processed by one or two virus-encoded proteinases. The variety of diseases caused by picornaviruses ranges from acute and sometimes fatal paralysis to mild respiratory disease and to inapparent infections in many hosts. Foot-and-mouth disease is a severe, clinically acute vesicular disease of cloven-hoofed animals, including domesticated and wild swine and ruminants. Swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV) is classified as an enterovirus within the family Picornaviridae and belongs to the species Enterovirus B. Like other picornaviruses, SVDV is non-enveloped. Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) were subsequently detected in a variety of animal species. The impact of EMCV on public health is believed to be minimal.