
Afbakening en functionele eenheid KPI broeikasgassen melkveehouderij : Systematische analyse van voor- en nadelen van opties

Reijs, Joan; de Vries, Marion


The ministry of LVVN is exploring goal-oriented policy instruments in agriculture. This involves assessing individual farms on Key Performance Indicators (KPI). When defining a greenhouse gas KPI, an important question is which scope and functional unit to use. At the request of LVVN, WUR conducted, a systematic analysis of advantages and disadvantages of different scopes and functional units for a greenhouse gas KPI for dairy farming. Based on this analysis, the recommendation to the ministry of LVVN is to: 1) work towards a coordinated approach together with the industry in which 2 KPIs are used and the government puts focus on direct emissions and the industry on chain emissions and 2) consider and further explore the functional unit ‘per phosphate right’ for assessing direct emissions.