
Networking lunch for WUR researchers and practitioners working at the EU science-policy interface

Muscat, Abigail; Arts, Bas


WUR researchers are highly active at the EU science-policy interface, as researchers studying science-policy relationships and as practitioners in EU institutions, initiatives and networks. However, the EU landscape can be difficult to map out and manage. The aim of this meeting is to better connect researchers working at the EU science-policy interface. All disciplines and backgrounds welcome!
Quick overview of the meeting
1. Explanation of how this meet-up came about, introduction to the ‘’Ghent Group’’ and the Advanced Course on science-based policy advice in agriculture and environment
2. Lecture given by Bas Arts introducing different science-policy relationships
3. A initial mapping exercise for participants on:
a. Topic of interest
b. Type of science-policy relationship
c. Network or initiatives involved
d. What do participants want from such meet-ups
4. Open discussion and questions
5. Follow-up & ideas for staying connected (Teams group