
Second bottom-up model simulations : Deliverably D3.5

Ganzenmüller, Raphael; Balkovič, Juraj; Walther, Sophia; Kuhnert, Matthias; Vizzarri, Matteo; Schelhaas, M.; Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Krasovskii, A.; Nabuurs, G.J.; Lerink, B.J.W.; Caldas Paulo, M.J.; Pilli, Roberto; Blujdea, Viorel; Grassi, Giacomo


Models play a crucial role in the quantification of GHG emissions. They can extrapolate and interpolate measurements spatially and temporally. Different models are designed for different purposes, from data-driven models that make the most efficient use of existing data, to process-based models which provide increased resolution of underlying driving mechanisms. VERIFY incorporates a wide variety of different model types to enable the system to respond to a far-reaching host of questions.
Therefore, the aim of this WP is to simulate terrestrial carbon fluxes in both natural and anthropogenic systems. Using harmonized input data collected and reported on in D3.2, WP3 produced a variety of gridded flux and stock estimates of carbon within Europe. This particular deliverable shows carbon dioxide emissions from croplands, grasslands, and forests across the continent, using a variety of approaches. These approaches include models making extensive use of country-level statistics, those aiming for comprehensive descriptions of ecosystem processes, and statistical upscaling of site-level results to the continental scale.
This deliverable provides details about the results of the second round of simulations from the bottom-up land models. Simulation methods will be improved during the course of the project, reflecting new scientific and technical understanding.